Penelope odyssey sister
Penelope odyssey sister

penelope odyssey sister

Menelaus praised Odysseus for his self control when hearing Helen when he was in the Wooden Horse.

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She then described one of Odysseus’ exploits at Troy: disguised as a beggar Odysseus had secretly entered Troy and told Helen details of the Greeks’ plans he in turn learned valuable information about the Trojans Helen swore not to disclose his presence because she said she had had a change of heart about coming to Troy and abandoning her home and family. To relieve their sorrow Helen added to their wine a drug which she had been given by an Egyptian woman for this very purpose. Menelaus said that, if Odysseus had returned home, he had planned to give him and his people a town in Argos to live in so they could have been close neighbours. Pisistratus explained they had come seeking advice about the situation at home in Odysseus’ absence.

penelope odyssey sister

Telemachus wept at the mention of his father and Menelaus realised who Telemachus was, as did his wife, Helen, when she joined them. Detail of the Mykonos Vase showing the oldest known depiction of the Trojan Horse.

Penelope odyssey sister